Model Railroading Makes the World Smaller




Over 1,500 minimum space layouts at



What's New?


April 2nd 2014


As it seems like nothing is going on since last October, the site is very much alive! A full rebuild is almost ready and I'm looking for testers! If you want to help me test the new website to look for missing images or content, weird design quirks or other stuff, please e-mail me at! Please let me know on what devices you are able to test the website and on what device you will most likely browse the website.

Also, to celebrate the almost-ready status of the new website, I've made a coupon available for 20% OFF your purchase on the e-book shop.

Your Coupon code is: apr20off

You can fill in this Coupon code on the checkout page, and has no usage restrictions, except for an expiry date on the 30th of April of course! :)

If you need any help ordering, or if you have any questions about the ordering process or missing payment options etc... Please send me an email on



October 30th 2013


I already notified the subscribers of the newsletter last week, and as of today, I made the E-book shop public. You can buy Carl's books there as an e-book (pdf), to support the continuation of the website.



August 15th 2013


Finally a new scrapbook update! Sorry for the long wait, but I had some personal things going on. I got some e-mails from concerned readers of this website, but I can promise you, I will continue developing and updating this website.



March 23rd 2013


There is a new scrapbook update available again and I've got some good news about the continuation of the website. The domains are secured with the help of Giles Arendt, so we are sure that the website will not disappear! Also, I've been working on a big website update, but I will keep you informed about that. There is still a lot of work to be done...



February 10th 2013


There is a BIG new scrapbook update available! Thank you for all your submissions and ideas, as a reaction to the first newsletter I've sent!



January 4th 2013


There is a new scrapbook update available



December 11th 2012


I just added a mailinglist subscription box to this page, so you can subscribe to the mailinglist. I did this because I want to ask you, the visitors of this wonderful website, some questions about the site, and possibly send you some newsletters in the future. I hope you will help me make this website even better! The form is at the bottom of this page. Thanks in advance! :)


December 1st 2012


Since the end of November 2012, a new Editor volunteered to help out maintaining this website. His name is Gert Wierbos. Please send all your updates and new layouts to him. He will keep in contact with the original volunteers for this website. He also put a new update in the Small Layout Scrapbook!


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Picture of Carl
Carl Arendt and one of his layouts

Webmaster Carl Arendt died on March 4, 2011 in Olympia, Washington. Carl came to Pittsburgh to attend Carnegie Mellon where he graduated with a degree in physics and met Sheila, his wife of 49 years. Carl started work for Westinghouse Electric Corporation where he spent his entire career. During this time, he and Sheila raised their three sons. Following retirement from Westinghouse, Carl threw himself into the world of micro-railroading. In 2002 he started this web site, and authored three books on the subject. This web site attracted a large worldwide following, and Carl built up a collection of friends who came to know and respect him even though most had never met him in person. Such was his personality that it shone through across the ether. He and Sheila moved to Olympia in 2009 to be close to their son Giles and his family, where Carl enjoyed time with his three grandchildren. His wit, erudition, and creativity made this true gentleman a joy to be with, in both the real and the virtual world. This site is a trove of microlayout ideas and examples, and so long as it continues will keep Carl's memory alive and further the hobby he loved.

Send e-mail to the site keeper

© 1999-2011 Carl Arendt

Carl's latest book- still available

Still in Print:
Carl's third

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