Carl's Bibliography

In response to several requests here are
Carl Arendt's magazine articles, books and CDs in
chronological order starting with the most recent

Into the Woods
Making Maple Syrup on a Gn15 Micro Layout

Narrow Gauge & Short Line Gazette, May/June 2007, pp. 30-34
   How I built the Somerset Agriculural Products (SAP) Railroad

Tips for Tiny Trains
Tracking Under Your Christmas Tree

Upper St. Clair TODAY, Winter 2006, pp. 66-67
   An "interview with an author" in local magazine.

Theatrical Layout Design:
Stage tricks for small layouts, usable on any size pike

Layout Design Journal 35, December 2006, pp. 48-53
   A review of "Picture Frame Layout" design and other stage tricks.

Gn15 Brookville - a Preview

Light Iron Digest, October/November 2006, pp. 8-9
   Review of a new "critter" kit from Schomberg Scale Models.

Carl Arendt's Small Layout Scrapbook:
Model Railroading in Very Small Spaces
64pp, published June 2006
    My third book. (For sale at agents listed on this website.)

5 Hot Micro Layout Ideas

Scale Rails/NMRA Bulletin, February 2006
   Five innovative approaches to micro layout design, with examples.

Fun in Tiny Spaces
Scale Rails/NMRA Bulletin, November 2005
   How I built the Squarefoot Estate Railway, G scale in one square foot.

How to Plan a 1:64 Scale Micro Layout
1:64 Modeling Guide, November/December 2005
   How to design and build S-gauge micro layouts.

Model Railroading in Extremely Small Spaces
CD-ROM, published October 2005
   Contains my first two books in PDF format (now out of print).

The Pleasures of Micro Layouts

Scale Rails/NMRA Bulletin, October 2005
   An overview of micro layout design, with many examples.

Peek's Pike Railroad
Model Trains International, No. 59, July/August 2005
   How I built a meter-long On30 demo micro layout.

Large Scale in a Tiny Space
Garden Railways, August 2004
   Micro Layouts in G Scale, including a one-square-foot example.

Großer Maßstab auf kleinstem Raum
Garten Bahn, 5/2004
    "Large Scale in a Tiny Space" in German!

O Scale on a Drawing Board
Model Trains International, No. 50, January/February 2004
    A tribute to Dick Andrews, who inspired me to try!

Creating Micro Layouts:
Model Railroading in Extremely Small Spaces

48pp., Published September 2003
   My second book about micro layouts
(now out of print).

Something Not Completely Familiar (SNCF)

Model Trains International, No. 48, September/October 2003
   The story of Les Peupliers, 1/32 scale in 2xA4 space.

52 Micro Layouts You Can Build:
Model Railroading in Extremely Small Spaces
32pp., First Edition published October 2002
    My first book of micro layout plans (now out of print).

Designing Micro Layouts
Model Trains International, No. 41, July/August 2002
    A "how to" of micro layout design, using an example from West Virginia.