The presentation concluded with
a "live" demonstration of a micro layout, Peek's Pike, which was
presented as a "work in progress". Beginning with plain track fastened
to a foamcore baseboard measuring 1000x210 mm (about 39x8 in), we showed off the
Peco Loco Lift
(see center photo) which in On30 with four-wheeled cars can
be used as a very effective backstage cassette. Finally, mocked-up scenery was added,
piece by piece, including a computer-printed backdrop and a proscenium frame of black
foamcore (bottom picture). Backdrop was made from photos of structure models
by Elfin Models. Overall,
a lot of interest in micro layouts was generated!
Carl Arendt
Pittsburgh USA
March 2005
For a step-by-step construction article of building this pike, click here.

Note: Peek's Pike won 2nd prize in the Small Layout Design Yahoo group's Summer 2005 design challenge.