02 - Green Valley District II

Bob Moroch
Frisco, Texas, USA


The unusual shape of the baseboard was created to fit on the counter of a modular bookshelf.
Each "section" is 6-inches wide. The total length is 96-inches. Total size - 4 sq. ft.
HO Scale.
All rolling stock is 40' or less. The minimum siding length is 9½-inches.
The Trackmobile can use the runaround even if a car is spotted on Track A.
The brown lines along the rear edge of the layout represent building flats. There are a few small structures, loading platforms and a municipal water tower.

Operations: There are 9 industrial locations on Green Valley District II. Cars are randomly spotted at 5 of the 9 locations. 3 cars will be picked up and taken to the Transfer Yard. 3 Incoming cars have been delivered to the Transfer Yard by an imaginary way freight and will be spotted at various industries.

Bonus: By changing the background flats and the structures, I can use the same layout to run my On30 trains.

(NOTE: This layout requires alterations to the Trackmobile to install a front coupler, as permitted in the rules.)