25 - Marsh Mills Station

Frank Edgcombe
Hampton, Virginia, USA


Marsh Mills Station, 4ft 6in x 10in, Includes a 12in traverser serving three lines, one end partially covered by a half model road bridge. Layout has three wye switches and a double slip switch.

There are three removable Peco Loco Lifts, each of which is disguised as a building and scenicked (one as a locomotive shed (Lift #3) and two as small warehouses). These Peco Lifts allow cars or locomotives to be removed, turned or introduced.

There is a platform for passenger trains, connected to the road overbridge by stairs. An autotrain or two car DMU or RDC will fit. The platform can be at ground level for European or American operation, or British level for British operation.

Two factories are painted on the backdrop, or made to be level on the backdrop. One is a China Clay (Kaolin) plant, the other an Asphalt plant.

At the front are sidings serving an ordnance (munitions) depot. The real Marsh Mills Station, part of the Tavistock branch of the Great Western Railway, had these sidings in the vicinity. Marsh Mills Station is now the home of the Plym Valley Railway, a preserved heritage line, allowing a variety of passenger trains to visit.

Each siding will hold a Trackmobile and a 50' car, or two short (British) 4 wheel wagons. Road engines can be used to bring trains in and out, but most switching would be by Trackmobile.

(NOTE: This layout does not require any alterations to the Trackmobile, which can be used directly from the box.)