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Desktops du Jour - 2010 / 1

A more or less weekly compendium of photographs by me and my friends.
Click on a thumbnail to see a larger version.


By Brian Wilson
Winter Beach on Maui
Hawaii, USA

By Chris O'Donoghue
Winter Beach near Rye
E. Sussex, England

By Carl Arendt
Winter Rainier
Olympia, WA, USA

By Carl Arendt
Winter Snackbar
Pittsburgh, PA, USA


By Chris O'Donoghue
Winter Pyracanthus
E. Sussex, England

By Karen Bush
Fisher Heron
Lido Key, Florida USA

By Carl Arendt
Bird's Eye View
Olympia, WA USA

By Karen Bush
Birds Went South
Pittsburgh, PA USA


By John Hubbard
They Didn't Stop HERE!
Huntsville Alabama USA

By Chris O'Donoghue
Nor Here!
E. Sussex, England

By Karen Bush
Blue Heron at Rest
Lido Key, Florida USA

By Carl Arendt
Strutting North
Olympia, WA USA


By Greer Harris
Spring Snowdrops
Lamberhurst, Kent, England

By Carl Arendt
Bloomin' Spring
Olympia, Washington USA

By Carl Arendt
College Walkway
Evergreen St.C., WA USA

By Carl Arendt
Senior Center Sculpture
Olympia, Washington USA