A Very Small Garden

This little Inglenook switching layout, the Down
& Dirty RR, is contained in a window box, 29"x7" (74x18 cm). Actually,
the box was already being used by my wife to raise a few herbs -- so I carefully
laid in some temporary HOn30 trackage (9mm gauge), attached a power pack to the leads,
and ran some antique AHM Minitrains. Everything worked just fine (although dirt balls
and dropping leaves tended to be siginificant hazards).
This tiny mockup was made to explore an idea from Emrys Hopkins: to make a small-scale
switching layout in a window box, where it could be out of doors but operated from
inside simply by opening the window and attaching the power!
If I were making this railroad as a permanent micro layout, I would seat the track
more firmly, provide for drainage, run the wiring through underground conduits, and
plan the vegetation a little more carefully. But what a great way to have a garden
railway in your vest pocket!
Anyone up for designing an On30 or Gn15 layout in the same space?
Layout in a Shoebox!
Carl's Imports is an OO9 / HOn30 layout built in a
shoebox. It's completely self-contained -- hook up a controller, and off you go!
For the purposes of this design, we contacted our consultant, Bart Bakker in the
Netherlands, about men's shoebox sizes in Europe. Turns out they're about the same
as in the U.S. -- varied! So we picked an average size that's available nearly anywhere
-- 13"x7"x5" (33x18x12 cm).
This layout is designed with the box on its side, so the real estate used for trackage
measures 13"x5", and the opening in front is 7" tall.
It's a waterfront scene, rimmed by multi-story buildings that reach to the top of
the box. The layout itself is built on a slab of 2.5 cm (1") foam, which can
be cut away to form the quayside.
Purpose of the little layout is to haul goods to the Warehouse siding (front left),
then bring carloads from the warehouse to the quayside for loading onto small cargo
vessels. Secret heart of the layout is a sector plate hiding inside the warehouse,
large enough to hold a small, four-wheel locomotive and a single car. There's an
additional source of surreptitious supply inside the building labelled "IMPORTS"
(which is exactly what happens there).
Cars are easily added to the layout and removed via this convenient backdoor. Need
to run around a car? Push it into the IMPORTS building, where an Invisible Hand removes
it from the track, allows the locomotive to run through the building, then replaces
the car -- and voila! the loco has run around it! (This trickery makes it convenient
to shunt the warehouse siding at the front left.)

All in all, this tiny diorama-like layout can provide
an engrossing hour or two of operations -- especially if the crane on the IMPORTS
building is made into a working model! And when the operations are over, just unplug
the controller, put it in your pocket, fix the shoebox lid in place, and head for
home with your layout under your arm!
(Readers are cordially invited to design their own shoebox layouts and share them
with the micro layout community through these web pages. Just e-mail me a sketch!
If there's enough interest, we'll create a new section in the Gallery devoted to
Shoebox Layouts!)
Dutch Layout in a Pencil Box
At the National Railway Museum in Utrecht, the Netherlands,
there's a turntable about two meters in diameter where visitors can select a priceless
locomotive model (scale 1:10) they would like to see. The engine runs onto the turntable
and makes a full turn, the public says "Ahhhhh," and then the loco retreats
happily to its track.
This scene inspired Bart Bakker to build Finnegan, an HO scale model of the
museum installation, which he placed in a child's pencil box that is slightly smaller
than an A4 sheet of paper.
Named for a famous railroad poem (see story below), the layout went through a series
of transformations as it grew in Bart's imagination. At the beginning, it was designed
to be a showplace for locomotives just as in the Museum. But with only 11 mm height
inside the box, Bart could not find a way to motorize the turntable. So he considered
dropping the project for lack of drama.
But then he realized there was room for three spurs leading off the turntable --
just like an Inglenook switching layout. If the turntable could accommodate a very
small shunting engine plus one car, he could use the layout as an Inglenook puzzle!
So he searched, and found a Bavarian Glaskasten ("glass box"), a very short
That development led to still other changes -- Bart added a short spur to hold the
little switcher, and procured another, larger locomotive to act as a road engine.
Now, with five cars to be spotted on the three tracks, and two locomotives -- a local
switcher and a road engine -- he was equipped for not one but two switching
games to play!
And so this little layout lived up to the punch line of the poem -- "On again,
off again, gone again -- Finnegan." So Bart named it -- Finnegan! |

At the National Railway Museum, Utrecht,
the Netherlands

Bart Bakker's HO model built in a child's
pencil box

Game 1 -- A three-car train arrives and
is shunted |

Game 2 -- Three cars are assembled behind
the road engine
Here are the setups for two Inglenook style games that
can be played on this tiny layout. The turntable holds the road engine or the yard
engine plus one car. Each track can hold three cars. Dice are used to select cars
to shunt and their positions.
In Game 1, the road engine arrives with three cars. Rolling the dice determines
where the incoming cars are spotted. After this switching job, the two remaining
cars are assembled into an outgoing train, behind the road engine, which has been
turned on the turntable.
In Game 2, the road engine is placed at the upper right, and is being serviced.
Five cars are already spotted around the sidings. Rolling the dice determines which
three cars will form an outgoing train, and in what order. The puzzle is to make
up the train and ready it for departure behind the road engine.
And of course, Bart can also use the layout as a showplace for his locomotive models.
And in addition, it can be used at the end of the fiddle yard at home on his FREMO
modules. All in all, this very small layout can provide hours of entertainment in
a space the size of two A4 sheets of paper! |

(left) The pencil box unopened. (right)
An aerial view of the entire Finnegan layout
Here's the story of the poem -- often attributed to Liam O'Flaherty but actually
by Strickland W. Gillilan -- that sparked the name of this innovate little layout.
The story is set in Ireland.
"On the Great Western Railway there was a Roadmaster named Mike Finnegan. As
Roadmasters do, Mike would head out whenever there was a derailment, supervise the
cleanup, and wire in a report to headquarters covering the details of the event and
its resolution.
"After one particularly nasty accident, Mike laid out the entire situation in
his lengthy report. Headquarters, unimpressed, wired back for Mike to keep to the
essentials and forego the nuances.
"A few weeks later, the Great Western's top manifest dropped a dozen cars on
the ground, and Mike went out to investigate. All night long the light burned as
Finnegan toiled over the derailment report to be wired. As the sun came up it read,
'Off again, On again, Gone again -- Finnegan.' "
The phrase became immortal!
HOn30 / O9 in a

Len Kaplan took on the challenge of designing a
shoebox layout, and came up with this tidy little HOn30 / O9 car and loco repair
shop in the 13"x7" (33x18 cm) space of a typical men's shoebox. Operations
can be simple but interesting. Len describes his design this way:
"These repair facilities are possibly more interesting as 'modules' for an extended
layout than as standalone layouts. Add a shoebox-sized mine head and a processing
facility/interchange of some kind and you've got an entire industry in less than
2 square feet!
"The yard was designed assuming short cars -- around 8' in length, similar to
those sold by Nigel Lawton
-- and a short (under 15') yard locomotive. A 'captive' locomotive would probably
be reasonable for this sort of facility and would definitely make operations easier
since there's no room for a runaround.
"I've tried to leave room for storing an extra locomotive -- either working
or possibly a 'hangar queen' -- and for some type of narrow yard building between
the main track and the small traverser/transfer table area.
"Operation consists of bringing in a train of 'damaged' cars, pulling them one-
by-one onto the large turntable, and then pushing them over to the transfer table
from which they may be moved manually to the appropriate track. Shipping out repaired
cars would work in the opposite manner."
This little layout can be carried under your arm, unboxed and put to work ... and
then packed away again in its shoebox after the operating session! It's a terrific
showplace for your carefully modeled narrow-gauge stock and locos. It's also one
of the few layouts in this gallery that is intended to be viewed and operated from
360 degrees -- all angles!
World's First Flat
Panel Micro Layout!

A variety of ideas from readers (see below) have
combined to become Amalgamated Mine #258 -- a shadow-box layout designed to
be hung on the wall, operated, and viewed much like a flat-panel television!
The layout contained within the box is a three-level working mine display, just four
inches deep in a 30 by 20 inch frame using HO or OO scale. The Mine could be built
in larger or smaller scales, with the frame size adjusted accordingly. Either standard
or narrow-gauge (or a combination) could be used -- there are prototype examples
of virtually any combination!
The bottom level is a cutaway view of operations deep within the ground. We can see
the bottom of the railroad-car lift, where small mine cars descend to be filled and
rise to the upper track to be hauled away. A smaller spoils lift, where unwanted
debris and rock are hoisted to the surface, provides continuing loads for the top-level
rail line to haul over to the the tailings dump.
The middle level is the railroad's mining branch, where loaded cars are hauled away
to the offstage tipple where the ore is sorted and loaded into full-sized railroad
cars. The empty mine cars are then returned into the adit and lowered to the working
mine below. The operating core of this layout are the two lifts, which will need
to be engineered to operate automatically -- a real modeling challenge!
The other "hidden secret" of operating Amalgamated #258 is the two wall-mounted
fiddle tracks at the left. Ideally these would be removable, mounted only when the
line is in operation. Another engineering challenge might be to concoct a chute system
where the loaded cars on the upper track can be automatically dumped and their contents
descend into the empty cars waiting on the lower track! In this case, though, manual
operation is also a possibility.
The entire display can be viewed in operation on all three levels at once, and is
both educational and a lot of fun for spectators! I've suggested a frame for the
shadow box, to display the layout like a piece of fine art. This can be as elaborate
or as simple as you wish, painted in the decorator color of your choice.
Idea Sources for This Layout
The design for Amalgamated #258 combines ideas from a variety of people. Genesis
of my plan came from my Bilevel Shoebox Layout, found in "Shoebox Madness". Then Jon Songøygard,
from Norway, designed another straight line layout (inspired by the same source)
and drew a delightful conceptual picture of it.

Jon wrote, "You can put this layout on the
wall in your living room! Perfect for those of us with 'no space' for a layout.
"This is a mining layout scene, surrounded by tall mountain cliffs and majestic
woods. Standard gauge trains arrive from out of the woods at right, while the narrow
gauge enters dramatically via a tunnel opening some scale feet above. From there,
the tippers are emptied via chutes down to the standard gauge cars. After that, both
trains need new supplies of fuel (and water, if they are steam engines), before they
depart the same way they arrived."
Notice that Jon has built some operating interest into this simple "picture
frame" layout. As he points out, "Notice that the two trains will have
to cooperate while unloading/loading, as the chute takes only one tipper at a time,
and both trains will have to move back and forth quite a bit to accomplish the transfer
Another fertile idea came from Alan Jarvis, from England, who wrote: "I
am building a full G-scale metre gauge mine on the shelf above my computer. One half
is inside/underground with 'peek-a-boo' style viewing ports; the other half is in
the open. [Alan, please send photos when you're ready! -Carl]
"It struck me that one could build an extensive mine operation on multiple shelves/bookcase
with a lift at one end for access to the other adits and the surface. On the
surface, clever use of a fishtank would give the effect of a slice through the ground."
And finally, Carl Mosness, from the U.S., wins the honors for "Farthest
Out Idea" with the following:
"I see three levels.
"The bottom level would be the inside of a mine. It would be the bottom of the
elevator shaft. I was thinking of an enclosed auger -- the mine cars could dump there
and the ore would be lifted to the top level by the auger.
"The top level would be the top of the mine with some kind of dumping to the
middle level (standard guage). Maybe a loop of narrow guage that would dump to the
middle level.
"The middle level would be standard guage or narrow that would take the ore
to a dock that has a barge tied to it. The ore would get dumped into the barge which
has a tube that takes the ore to the bottom level to be loaded in the mine cars out
of sight.
"If the auger worked I was thinking of calling it the Archimedes Mine."
[Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase, "We really screwed up that one!"
There you have it. A bunch of excellent ideas -- Amalgamated Mine #258 is
just one of the many possible designs suggested by this international trio of creative
thinkers. Perhaps they'll spark some creative thinking in you -- if so, send us your
ideas, you never know what they'll lead to. All contributions are acknowledged and
welcome here!