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A (mostly) monthly miscellany of news, information and inspiration about minimum-space layouts
115. AUGUST 2013
114. MARCH 2013
113. FEBRUARY 2013
112. JANUARY 2013
111. DECEMBER 2012
FINALLY SOME UPDATES AGAIN - Sorry for the long wait!
110. JULY 2012
MORE SHELFS AND A PIZZA — Creativity and detail abound in this month's micros.
109. MAY 2012
SHELFS AND STUFF — Simple beginnings and fine craftsmandship.
108. JANUARY 2012
OF THIS AND THAT — This update features layouts of all sizes and shapes including a winter pizza and probably the largest "micro" ever featured here!
107. NOVEMBER 2011
A TRIBUTE TO CARL — Here we feature some small layouts as a tribute to the work Carl put into this hobby and this site in his effort to share his and others' knowledge of small and micro model railroading.
106a. FEBRUARY 2011 - Extra Mid-Month Edition
HO-OO GO-GO — More shunting shelves, this time for HO and OO 16.5mm gauge platforms, by Alexander Kaczmarek, E.L. Moore, Ulrich Abramowski, Benjamin Betgen, Richelieu Valley MRC, Andrew L. Smith, Dennis and Neil Kamper, Geraint Shipsides, Reinoud Kaasschieter, Hayden Goss, Andrew Cockburn, Martyn Mullender, Shortliner Jack Trollope, Michael Hodgson and Jonathan Scott.
106. FEBRUARY 2011
ENCORE! — Instructional and intriguing developments on layouts that have previously appeared in these pages, by Chris Gilbert, Richard Glover, Dr. Michael Giersberg, Yutaka Nakai, Ian and Lorrie Holmes, Jim Ramnes, Robert Forde, Giles Barnabe, Dave Carson and Steve Grantham.
105a. JANUARY 2011 - Mid Month Bonus Issue
POTENT PROTOTYPES — Real railroads that would make great minimum-space models, from Ward Kimball, Joe Hall, Steve Waterfield, John Bruce, Scott MacLean, W. C. Gage, Ken Setzer, Carl Arendt, Benjamin Betgen, Jann Mayer, Alan Cox and François Mennetrier.
105. JANUARY 2011
Large Scale and Small... STRAIGHT ON! — Inspiring switching shelves in both N and O/G+ scales, by Nigel Gaunt, Carl Arendt, Giles Barnabe, Ralph Grutzmacher, John Bugg, Chris O'Donoghue, Mike Bragg, Neil Ripley, Bill Chestnut, Gary Larson and Henrik Laurell.
104a. DECEMBER 2010 - Mid Month Extra
MAGICAL MOMENTS in MINIMAL MODELING — Micro excitements... past, present and future, by Howard Leroy Lamey, John de Frayssinet, Jan Beeke, MJ Idzerda, Mike Stroz, Paul Schrön, Shozo Kitamura, Dr. T.D. Mitchell, Rev. W. V. Awdry, Steve Goodman, Glyn Lewis, Samuel Skean, Larry Rickert, J. Allan Patmore, Stephen Pugmire, David Thomas, June Idzerda, John Johnsey and Martin Boogaard.
104. DECEMBER 2010
MAKING THE WORLD MUCH SMALLER — An International layout collection by James Stanford, Brian Wilson, David Mitchell, François Mennetrier, Dirk Becker, Francesco Zezza, Yutaka Nakai (Yuta), Ton de Vos, Henk Wust, Gavin Sowry, Ben Calcott, Shortliner Jack Trollope, Russ Haigh and Randall Morris.
103a. NOVEMBER 2010 - Mid-Month Extra Edition
ONE MORE TIME... — New developments in previously visited layouts, by Prof Klyzlr, Carl Arendt, Will Ayerst, Henning Stelter, Rob Carpenter, Trevor Perry, Joshua Wolfe, Lennart Elg, Franck Combe, Matthieu Lachance and Shortliner Jack Trollope.
103. NOVEMBER 2010
OPERATING Your Small Layout — How to apply operating systems to minimum-space layouts, with contributions from Carl Arendt, Chris Ellis, Prof Klyzlr, John Bruce, Jack Hill, Jim Ronda, John Gardiner IV, Paul Boehlert, Micro-Mark, Marcelo Szkatulak, Ian Holmes, Gary Miller, Scot Osterweil, Jacques Bourdouxhe, Bob Hughes, Nigel Beeton, Will Ayerst, Allen Walker and Mike Dodd.
102a. OCTOBER 2010 - Mid-Month Bonus Issue
SAVOR A SERVING OF PIZZA — Tiny circular display layouts from Bob Wright, Christian Klammer, Christophe Beuret, Shawn Viggiano, Graham and Caroline Watling, Chris Seago, Mike McCauley, Yutaka Nakai, Les Fulton, Jan Beeke, Paul Mansell, Leonid Moskalev and Ronnie Davis.
102. OCTOBER 2010
PART-TIME OVALS and ISLAND LAYOUTS — Attempts to integrate an oval into a very small layout by Andreas Nesemann, Charles Hansen, Ian Williamson, Prof Klyzlr, Mike McLaughlin, Tim Bristow, Terry Allen, Keiron Shatwell, John Bruce, Carl Arendt, Dave Howsam and Ron Prattley.
101a. SEPTEMBER 2010 - Mid-Month Extra Edition
TRACTION ACTION — Tram and trolley layouts from around the world by Glenn Corbett, Ingbert Neumeister, Omar Lehr, Wilson von Kessler, Gordon Werner, Bob Dietrich, Guido Mandorf, Chris Mears, Dick Bell, David Pecina and Gordon Bulmer.
101. SEPTEMBER 2010
SWITCHING SHELVES in All Scales — Shelf layouts by Frédéric Gantier, Frank Bergmans, David Richardson, David Mitchell, Eldon Hoolsema, John Bruce, Steve Grantham, Bob Hughes, Simon Ward, Stu Hilton, Will Ayerst, Les Coleman, Franck Combe and Simon Harris.
100. AUGUST 2010
REMEMBERING REMARKABLE RAILROADS — Memorable layouts from Gilbert Gribi, Ken Olsen, Prof Klyzlr, Glen Anthony, François Meunier, Carl Arendt, Gavin Sowry, Jonathan Scott, Hiromi Masaki, Chris Walas, Greg Malinowski, Ian Campbell and Koike Noriyuki. Classic Small Layouts are by John Allen, C. J. Freezer, Linn Westcott, Roy Dohn, Chuck Yungkurth, P. H. Heath, Alan Wright and Jack Trollope.
99. JULY 2010
PROTOTYPES... for Petit Pikes — Modelable real-life railway scenes sent in by readers, from Thomas Schroeder, David Bromage, Carl Arendt, Steve Schwab, Kevin Payne, Jack Trollope, Mike McNamara, John Lucas, Rob Dickinson, Scott Markloff, François Mennetrier, Henning Stelter, Frank Edgcombe, Carsten Weye Jensen, Mike McLaughlin, and Jerry Day.
98a. JUNE 2010 - Special Bonus Issue
WORKS IN PROGRESS and LAYOUTS IN CONTAINERS — A double-header of fun and inspiration from John Foley, Chris O'Donoghue, Francesco Zezza, Scott MacLean, John Lucas, Brian Wilson, Olivier Jeanneret, Prof Klyzlr, Carl Arendt and Ken Olsen.
98. JUNE 2010
SWITCHING AROUND — Shunting fun AND train-running in a single small layout, by Carl Arendt, Jiří Brožek, Stefan Karzauninkat, Chris Gilbert, Emrys Hopkins, Alexander Kaczmarek, Prof Klyzlr, Jonathan Scott, Jack Trollope, Tom Schaeffer, Nathan Badcock and Stuart Dix.
97a. MAY 2010 - Mid-Month Bonus Issue
IDEA LOG — A medley of current layouts and projects to stimulate your ideas, from Giles Barnabe, Chris Ellis, Geoff Latham, Ian Buck, Andrew Knights, Jeff Semprebon, Thomas Schaefer, Thomas Hentschel, John Bruce, Gavin Sowry, Carl Arendt, Prof Klyzlr, Ken Olsen, Mike Allred, James Macintyre, Alan Cox, Kevin Prince, Will Vale, Tim Marshall, Graham Dredge, Andrew Snodgrass, Lindsay Thompson, Mark Dalrymple, George Gardner and Robin Knight.
97. MAY 2010
TRAIN FERRIES — Layouts and prototype railroads with waterborne ferries or floats, by Mike McLaughlin, Jack Trollope, Jack Matson, Andy Anderson, Bart Bakker, and Roger Aponte.
96a. APRIL 2010 - Mid-Month Extra Edition
UPDATES — New ideas for layouts we've previously seen by Jack Trollope, Bill Cooke, Michael Hanisch, Gerry Snelson, George J. Loy Jr., Omar Lehr, Ian Wigglesworth, Nick Palette, Giles Barnabe, Ken Olsen, Olivier Jeanneret and Alexander Kaczmarek.
96. APRIL 2010
PIZZA PARTY — Circular pizza layouts by Geoff Potter, Philippe Mortier, Matt Wildsmith, Wayne Mitchell, Byron Olson, Adrian Foster, Marty Johnston, Dr. B.P.E. (Björn) Clasen, John Chandler, Roberto Bracciante, Blair Mielnik, Gerhard Sonnenberger, John Lucas, Franck Combe, Harald Pascher and skt48.
95a. MARCH 2010 - Special Bonus Extra
ADDING EXCITEMENT TO YOUR LAYOUT — Ideas and experiences described by Carl Arendt, Bart Bakker and Prof Klyzlr.
95. MARCH 2010
ROUND AND ROUND: Continuous Circuits Featuring Frequent Traffic — by Dr. Tom (Doc Tom) Grabenstein, Dr. Michael Giersberg, Tommy B., David Roy Axup, James Corsi, Dave Appleton, Chris Gilbert, Franck Combe, Carl Ferguson, Trevor Perry and Gerry Snelson.
94a. FEBRUARY 2010 - Mid Month Extra
LAYOUTS IN CONTAINERS — layouts built in objects intended for something else by Terry Wood-Heeds, Colin French, Chris Thompson, Todd Schultz, Thorsten Sadowski, Martin and Kevin Boogaard, Gerry Snelson, Craig Jenne, Shortliner Jack Trollope, Dave Rowe, John Forman, Gareth Houghton, Patrick Collins and James Corsi.
94. FEBRUARY 2010
SMALL RAILROADS FOR GROWN-UPS: Switching Shelves Longer than 4 Feet (120cm) — by Allen Walker, Chris Gilbert, Ian Holmes, Andrew Smith, Alan Cox, Shortliner Jack Trollope, Edouard Kowalski, Tim Hale, Roberto Falorni, Stefan Panske, Frank Minten, Peter Wehland, Hans-Jörg Grädener and Heiner Thomas.
93a. JANUARY 2010 - Mid Month Bonus Edition
FUN STUFF! Fun articles and the Favorite '09 Layouts Winners — from Joe Lockhart, Cyril Freezer, Paul Boehlert, Diego De Bunder, Peter McGavin, Kim Mihaly, Graham Smith, Greg Mashiah, Graeme Brown, Mark Peterson, Bill Corser, David Richardson, Ian Sinclair, Max Sarazin, Dave Eagles, Anders Lundin, David Thomas, Stuart Pate, John Day, Gordon Werner, Mark Goodwin, Chris Brown, Herbert Fackeldey, Henk Wust, Bart Bakker, Carl Arendt, and hundreds of readers who voted for their favorite layouts of 2009.
93. JANUARY 2010
SMALL RAILROADS FOR GROWN-UPS: Switching Shelves Shorter than 4 Feet (120cm) — by Roger Swan, Logan Mazurkewich, Jack Trollope, Stephan Besier, Gerd Neumann, Andrew Cockburn, John Teal, Francesco Zezza, Ian Wigglesworth, Chris Nevard and Paul Allen.
92a. DECEMBER 2009 - Mid Month Bonus Edition
A SENSE OF WONDER — Some special layouts—both model and real—from Peter Taylor, Scot Osterweil, Will Vale, Alexander Lehmann, Max Sarazin, George Lermann, Mike Skelly, Herbert Feichtinger, Maurizio Melis, Ryan Lamb, The SNP Association (Fabien Hallier, Jimmy Grondin and Benoît Evelin), MJ Idzerda, Carl Arendt and Harry Rado.
92. DECEMBER 2009
POTENT PROTOTYPES FOR LIVELY LAYOUTS — Real-life railway scenes to inspire small layouts, reported by Jacques Bratiéres, Charles Clarke, Dave Carson, George J. Loy Jr., John Lucas, Mike McLaughlin, Omar Lehr, Carsten Weye Jensen, Doug Kaniuk, Norman Woollons, Jon' Lorton, Tim Cotter, Dave Wooley, Neil Tice and Ken Olsen.
91a. NOVEMBER 2009 - Mid Month Extra Edition
Our Own Devices: SECTOR PLATES — Layouts using sector plates, by Alain Kap, Fabrice Fayolle, Les Coleman, Chuck Perrucci, Martin Hogg, Stuart Reeve, Robert Forde, Joshua Wolfe and Jean-Yves Martinez.
91. NOVEMBER 2009
CONTINUOUS LAYOUTS — Model railroads that go round and round by Jonathan Scott, Edwin Scott, Alexander Kaczmarek, Martin Hogg, MJ Idzerda, Mike Scearce, Mark Ward, Russ Haigh, Dan MacKellar, and information from Dave Barclay and Ben Calcott.
90a. OCTOBER 2009 - Bonus Mid-Month Edition
PIZZA PARTY — Inspiring circular layouts in all major scales by Chris Brown, Howard Leroy Lamey, Darren Hodges, Juan Palacio, Victor Smith, Jon Songøygard, David J. Rooke, Mark Fryer, Ken Jones, Harry Rado and Hubert Reijnders.
90. OCTOBER 2009
UPDATES... New developments in previously presented layouts by Richard Glover, Henk Wust, Leo Grinsven, Chris Krupa, Robin Winter, Joe Hall, Carl Arendt, Keith Henn, Geoffrey Nickson, Shortliner Jack Trollope, Stephan Bezier, John Bruce, Simon Dawson, Viktor Kovacs, John Milnes, Koike Noriyuki (Rehsi), Brian Wilson, Victor Smith, Glenn Corbett and Alexander Lösch.
89a. SEPTEMBER 2009 - Mid-Month Bonus
MORE GOOD STUFF — Excellent Stories From the Editor's Files from David Rowe, John Forman, Gareth Houghton, John Garaty, Dave Ostwald, Shortliner Jack Trollope, Tim Cotter, Stu Hilton, Chris Thomas, Jon Songøygard, Jarod Black, Alain Kap and Jonathan Scott.
89. SEPTEMBER 2009
SOME GOOD STUFF — Excellent Stories That Didn't Fit by John Garaty, Karl Schaller, John Bruce, Alexander Kaczmarek, Paul Boehlert, Bob Hughes, Christian Amman, Geoff Perkins, and Larry Knapp. Breaking News features work by Murray McKenzie, Paul Napier, Gavin Sowry and Will Vale.
88. AUGUST 2009
SMALL LAYOUT PROTOTYPES — Patterns for Potent Petites - Prototype gems forwarded by Gordon Werner, "Dave," Josh Carillo, Sven Wesenberg, Thamas Van Hare, Damin Keenan, Helmut Werneburg, Henning Stelter, Ken Olsen, Jon Songøygard, Wilson Lussari, Colin Shaw, and Will Ayerst.
87. JULY 2009
BROOKLYN: 3 AM — A Minimum Space Masterpiece - A stunning, very-small layout premieres in Australia, built and photographed by Sydney's Prof Klyzlr.
86a. JUNE 2009
CONTINUOUS ENJOYMENT — Advntures in SPACE and TIME - Continuous circuit layouts and updates on previously reported layouts by Russ Haigh, Brian Wilson, Victor Smith, Hennning Stelter, MJ Idzerda, Eric Jones, Michael Sorbo, Chris Nevard, Alexander Kaczmarek, John Garaty, Phil Parker, Fabrice Fayolle, Michael Hanisch and Murray McKenzie.
86. JUNE 2009
PAPER SCENERY - Continuing the "Cheap Trains" series with ideas for scenery made from paper, with examples by Carl Arendt, Martin Hogg, Joseph Norris, Graham Watling, John Hubbard, John Maughan, Tracy Smith, Roderik Vanderkelen, Richard Heisler, Russ Haigh, Howard Leroy Lamey, Paul Race, Chris Walas and Andrew Milner.
A brief examination of Cyril Freezer's legacy and an appreciation of his extraordinary lifetime contributions to small layout design.
85a. MAY 2009 - Extra Mid-Month Edition
BASEBOARDS & TYMESAVERS - Cheap, Timely Construction and Tymesaver Layouts by Graham Watling, Shortliner Jack Trollope, David Richardson, MJ Idzerda, Thomas Van Hare, Colin Oldfield, Jonathan Hamtil, Andrew Glover, Glenn Corbett, Brian Wilson, Chris Mears and Alan Cox.
85. MAY 2009
9 WAYS TO PLAY WITH YOUR MINIMAL LAYOUT - A train operations clinic by Carl Arendt.
84a. APRL 2009 - Special Mid-Month Bonus
Some Slices of PIZZA - Creative circular layouts by Andrew Milner, Lloyd Day, Ian Holmes, Gerhard Sonnenberger, Steve Simmons, Joe Lockhart, Střelek, Phil Savage, Greg Trickey, John Lucas, Bliss Bignall, Alexander Shustov, Tony Brucia, Jon Songøygard and Gerry Snelson. Breaking News from Australia includes layouts by Geoff Potter, Adrian Hoad, Michael Flacks, Ms. Hoad and John Garaty.
84. APRL 2009
FROM HERE TO THERE AND BACK AGAIN! - Small Scale Shelf Switchers: Part 2, by Thorsten Marx, Bill Sartore, Ray Persing, Chris Bayley, Joshua Bernhard, Anonymous in Britain, Stu Davies, Stephen A. Ralls, David Jones, Anthony Kochevar, Ed Maciulis, Tim Halket, MJ Idzerda and René Wolf.
83a. MARCH 2009 - Special Issue
UPDATES - New developments in previously reported layouts, by Alexander Lösch, Carl Arendt, John Hubbard, Lars and Larry Knapp, Shortliner Jack Trollope, Norman Woollons, Scott MacLean, and Mike McLaughlin.
83. MARCH 2009
YONDER AND RETURN - Large Scale Shelf Switchers by Glen Anthony, Colin French, James Finister, Michael Hanisch, Alan Henham, Nick Ellingworth, Georg and Benedict Muerb, and Stefan Karzauninkat.
82a. FEBRUARY 2009 - Mid Month Bonus Special
FROM HERE TO THERE... AND BACK! - Small scale shelf switchers: Part 1, by Gerry Bullock, David Hoovler, Sven van der Hart, Alan Cox, Alexander Kaczmarek, Rainer Spohr, Dave Carson, MJ Idzerda, Martin Hogg, Shortliner Jack Trollope and Roderik Vanderkelen.
82. FEBRUARY 2009
PROTOTYPES for Minimum Space Layouts - A collection of real-life rail sites suitable for modeling as small layouts, furnished by John Bruce, Wilson Lussari, Loren J, Bart Bakker, Ian Holmes, Henning Stelter, Brian Schmidt, Martin "Mad Marty" Hartley, Carl Arendt, Norman Woollons and Vincent Wesstein.
81a. JANUARY 2009 - Mid-Month Special Edition
LAYOUTS IN CONTAINERS - A large collection of layouts built in containers of all sorts, by Will Vale, Henrik Laurell, Alexander Shustov, Brian Wild, William Baldwin, Joshua Wolfe, Bob Hughes, Jordan Foster, Andrew Cockburn, Darren Baker, Johnny Bakane, Martin Akehurst, Richard Glover, Jorge Cortes, Chris Coetzer and Mike Allred.
81. JANUARY 2009
UPDATES! - A New Year's review of new developments on layouts past from Prof Klyzlr, Eric G. Lewis, Steve Grantham, Craig Jenne, Shortliner Jack Trollope, Alexander Lösch, Steve Jarman, Martyn Mullender, Alexander Kaczmarek, Andy Spooner, Andrew Smith, Henrik Laurell, Franck Combe, Peter Laband and Fabrice Fayolle.
80a. DECEMBER 2008 - Mid-Month Bonus
WINNERS AND WINTERS - Seasonal holiday layouts from Howard Leroy Lamey, Dan MacKellar, Markus Hartwig, and G. Geoffroy. World's Smallest Working Model Railroad Challenge two top Winners, Distinguished Runners Up, and Citations of Excellence.
80. DECEMBER 2008
BRIGHT IDEAS - Sparkling new layout ideas in time for the holidays by Bart Bakker, John Garaty, Carl Arendt, David Mitchell, 'Shortliner' Jack Trollope, Bim Bausman, Andy Spooner, Daniel Caso and Bob Moroch. Breaking News: Many micros at Railex 2008 in New Zealand, by Gavin Sowry, Paul Napier, Murray McKenzie and Ben Calcott.
79a. NOVEMBER 2008 - Mid-Month Special
PIZZA PARTY - A collation of pizzas to everyone's taste, with entrées by Jean Buchmann, Kit Friend, Gordon Crossfield, Andy Spooner, Fabrice Fayolle, Greg Trickey, David Pecina, Gary Gresham, Gavin Sowry, Duane Brocious, Luca Lucarelli, Paul Napier, John Lucas, Niek Uwland, Victor Smith and Henrik Laurell.
79. NOVEMBER 2008
CONTINUOUS LAYOUTS IN LARGE SCALES - A collection of O and G scale circuits, including several "different" approaches by Al Wahlberg, Rick Ludlow, Daniel von Kanel, Lloyd Day, Russ Haigh, Jeff Trenholm, Brian Durell, Ian Wilson, John Hanks, Andrew Milner, Hans van der Linden, Simon Dawson and Ian Campbell.
78a. OCTOBER 2008 - Mid-Month Special Issue
SHOEBOX SHENANIGANS - An update on layouts built to fit in shoeboxes, by Shortliner Jack Trollope, Ryan DeVries, Martin Hogg, Jan Beeke, Carsten Weye Jensen, Carl Arendt and Francesco Zezza. Special T Scale report by Yoshioka Shinichiro.
78. OCTOBER 2008
SMALL SCALE SHELF SWITCHERS - A profusion of pikes that go back and forth by Chris Nevard, David Gainsford, Richard Glover, Nick Palette, Rob Coppock, Alexei Kozlov, Mark Stutz, Bill Nelson, Geoffrey Nickson, Boštjan Jarc, David Mitchell, Bob Feldman, Simon Baker, Frank Ellison and Paul Lipiarski.
77a. SEPTEMBER 2008 - Mid-Month Edition
SMALL SCALE CIRCUITS - Continuous layouts in HO, N and Z scales by Jonathan Scott, Henning Stelter, Chuck Perrucci, Boštjan Jarc, Dennis Vaccaro, Markus Hartwig, Larry Archer, Michael-John Idzerda, David Cartwright, Dick Bell, Alan Cox, Mike Renwick and David K. Smith.
77. SEPTEMBER 2008
BIG TRAINS ON SMALL SHELVES - Squeezing large scales into tiny spaces by Gerry Snelson, Franck Combe, Bob Hughes, Rick Ludlow, Scott MacLean, Carl Arendt, Mike Bragg, and John Foley.
76. AUGUST 2008
THE MODEL RAILROADING OF ART - Artists: René Magritte, Chris Burden, Philippe De Gobert, Teun Hocks, Gunter Demnig, Reiner Ruthenbeck, Måns Wrange, Nina Karavasiles, Edward Hopper, Carin Mincemoyer, M.C. Escher; Model Railroaders: Bill Livingston, John Armstrong, Albert Winkel, Chris Krupa, Ian Campbell, Fred Delaitre, Bob Hughes and Koike Noriyuk.
75a. JULY 2008 - Mid-Month Special Edition
POTPOURRI: a bunch of good ideas that don't fit anywhere else - from Tony Wood and Alan Monk, Chris Brown, Christian Danziger, Wayne Roderick, Jack Trollope, Murray McKenzie, Jonathan Scott, Doug Tompkins and Simon Parkinson, Alexander Lösch, Brian Wild and Richard Heisler.
75. JULY 2008
TOP TRACKPLANS + TRACKMOBILE TIPS & TRICKS - Winners of the Layout Design Contest, plus layout ideas and tips by Keith Henn, Craig Jenne, Chuck Perrucci, Hugh Flynn, Jack Trollope and Mike McLaughlin.
74. JUNE 2008
MODEL RAILROADING MAKES THE WORLD SMALLER - An unusual collection of modelers whose layouts are set in countries other than their home nation, including Alexander Kaczmarek, Steve Grantham, Don Goodman-Wilson, Jordi Vallès, Fabrice Fayolle, Peter Barnes and Joe Driscoll, Terry Ashcroft, Chris Gilbert, Franck Combe, Nick Palette and Prof Klyzlr.
73a. MAY 2008 - Mid-Month Bonus Edition
LOOKING BACK: Updates to Past Projects - An exciting collection of new ideas from previously-reported projects by Gavin Sowry, Bob Moroch, Alexander Lösch, Herbert Fackeldey, Paul Gittins, Nick Palette, Brian Wilson, Jack Trollope, Martin Hogg, Carl Arendt, Casey Sterbenz, Peter-John Sanders, Simon Leigh and Matt Deemer.
73. MAY 2008
PROTOTYPES YOU CAN MODEL (on very small layouts) - Prototype ideas and thoughts about modeling them in minimum spaces, by Carl Arendt, "Rip Traxx," Derek Smith, Kevin Payne, Joseph Brennan, Steve Russell, Stuart Pate and Mike McLaughlin.
72a. APRIL 2008 - Mid-Month Extra Section
HAVE A TASTE OF PIZZA - A covey of remarkable circular layouts from Andrew Milner, Michael-John Idzerda, David Wegmuller, Keith Gamble, Michael Ebert, John Lucas, Joe Hall, Scott Buschlen, G. Geoffroy, Fred Miller, Francesco Zezza, Nathaniel Hopkins, Sven Löffler, Brian Collins, Joe Lockhart, Manfred Sobczak and Walter Völklein, Steve Jarman, and Chris Walas.
72. APRIL 2008
LAYOUTS IN CONTAINERS - Fascinating, well-contained layouts from Marco van Zoen, Chris Plumley, Brian Wilson, Andrew Frame, Akihiro Morohoshi, Karl Fey, Martyn Mullender, Carl Arendt, Peter-John Sanders, and Alexander Lehmann.
71a. MARCH 2008 - Mid Month Bonus
BOOKSHELF LAYOUTS From G to Z - Thought-provoking layouts from Simon Hargreaves and Graham Weller, Richard Minutillo, Jonathan Scott, Felix Fichtelmann, Simon Leigh, Chris Chinery, Forrest Scott Wood, Michael Appleton, Anthony Bilton, Richard Ward, Tom Potthast, Carl Arendt, Colin French, Peter Marshall, and Steve Bennett.
71. MARCH 2008
THE TRACTION FACTION + UPDATES - Idea-laden layouts under the wire from Wayne Price, Vincent Wesstein, Dave Carson, Martin "Mad Marty" Hartley, Carl Arendt, Koike Noriyuki, and Jeff Law. Inspiring Updates come from Paul Napier, Prof Klyzlr, Brian Wilson, Shortliner Jack Trollope, Dave Humphries, Steve Grantham, Jim Sacco, and Carl Arendt.
70. FEBRUARY 2008
A SWITCH IN TYME - A variety of inspiring Tymesaver layouts from Paul Gittins, Michael-John Idzerda, Chris Gilbert, Paul Boehlert, Alan Cox, Kevin Payne, Simon Baker, Norman Woollons, Tracy Smith, Joern Pachl, Greg Elems, Shortliner Jack Trollope and Richard Francaviglia.
69a. JANUARY 2008 - Mid-Month Issue
UPDATES! - Continuations and inspirations from Michael Kraemer, Brian Wilson, Greg Elems, Richard Glover, Alex Lehmann, Tim Browne, Marc Miller, Bob Hughes, Martin Hogg, Simon Moore, and Pete Heininger.
69. JANUARY 2008
ELEGANT SIMPLICITY - A variety of Inglenook layouts from Colin Peake, Alan Cox, Carl Arendt, Herbert Fackeldey, Dave Humphries, Rex Beistle, Jack Trollope, Gavin Sowry, Marc Witten, Andrew Knights, Casey Sterbenz, Thomas Sieben, Marlene Kohrs, Anna-Sophie Focke, Nemo Haag, Paul Hurdalek and Ansgar Blauth.
68a. DECEMBER 2007 - Bonus Mid-Month Issue
HOLIDAY LAYOUTS - A plenitude of ideas for festive displays from Carl Arendt, Lars and Larry Knapp, Howard Leroy Lamey, Jim Favre, Ian Bareham, Daan Biessels, Andrew Smith, Akihiro Morohoshi, Mark Holmstrup, Al McWhorter, Dick Kuepper, and Yukio Kashiwa. Breaking News includes "RailExpo 2007 Report" by Richard Glover, showing layouts by Escadrille Saint Michel, Richard Glover, Chris Krupa and more.
68. DECEMBER 2007
CONTINUOUS LAYOUTS - Traveling in the Best Circles with Howard Leroy Lamey, Roy Parkes, John Angell, Michael-John Idzerda, Russ Haigh, Patrick Collins, Ian Turner, James and Shamus McMillin, Bertram Kauert, Francesco Zezza, Ray Boss, Jerry Golembowski, Brian Ratliff, Michael Denny, Casey Sterbenz, Chris and Thomas Cotton, Thad Carter, and Fred Stephenson.
67a. NOVEMBER 2007 - Mid Month Edition
PIZZA PARADE - Circular layouts from Ken Setzer, Thomas Sieben, Jim Pipkin, Steve Cook, Andy Spooner, John Lucas, Mason Cutchin, Gavin Sowry, Akihiko Hashimoto, Leonid Moskalev, Andrew Glover, Bill Nichols, Pahan Ranasingha, Yukio Kashiwa, Richard Glover, and Koike Noriyuki. Breaking News includes layouts by Simon Cox, Chris O'Donoghue, Robin Winter, Richard Glover, and Terry Allen.
67. NOVEMBER 2007
N.E.C. — NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED - Layouts from Merve Hill and Tim Dunn, Bob Hughes, Joern Pachl, Howard Leroy Lamey, Sven Loeffler, Rob Merritt, B.T.S. Models and Republic Locomotive Works, Andrew Glover, Alan Cox, Francesco Zezza, Anthony Bilton, Steve Bennett, Colin Peake, Lance Mindheim, Brian Wilson, Carl Arendt, Andy Young and Giles Barnabe. Breaking News includes layouts by Chris Gilbert, George Hims, and Herbert Fackeldey.
66a. OCTOBER 2007 - Mid Month Special Edition
Off the Beaten Track - "Unusual Prototypes" from Steve Pearce, Neil Rushby, Ben Rechel, Carl Arendt, Thomas Van Hare, Dave Walker, Andy Anderson, Herbert Fackeldey, and Brian Wilson. "Unusual Models" from Club de Modélisme de Draveil, Vincent Wesstein, Peter Laband, and Bob Moroch.
66. OCTOBER 2007
Many a Mickle Maks a Micro - "Telling details" from Brian Rudko, Gerry Bullock, Richard Glover, Graham Weller, François Fontana, Jon Songøygard, Stephen Brown, and Gilbert Gribi.
65a. SEPTEMBER 2007 - Mid-Month Issue
TWO TURNOUTS FOR TOP OPS - Breaking News: Layouts from NNGC 2007 by Charles Hansen, Christopher Creighton, and John Hubbard; Two Turnout Themes by Kieron Thexton, Giles Barnabe, Martin Hogg, Carl Arendt and Peter-John Sanders; Box Street Yard Variations by Alexander Lösch, Mike Bragg, Jack Gilbert, John Bruce, Martin Hartley, Tony Kell, Lawrie Smith, Keith Plum and Alan Briers.
65. SEPTEMBER 2007
LAYOUTS IN CONTAINERS, Especially Shoeboxes - Some self-contained gems from Fred Stephenson, Albert Winkel, Kevin and Martin Boogaard, David Mitchell, Bob Hughes, Chris Plumley, Kuo Chang Lu (A-Bao), Matt Dawson, Andrew Knights, John Hubbard, Alan Cox, Paul Jones, Alex Lehmann, and Versif (Petar Kanuritch).
64. AUGUST 2007
Hot Topics: 1. MOTION NOTIONS - Animation ideas from Marcelo Szkatulak, Johan De Groote, Chris O'Donoghue, Giles Barnabe, Ptitrain.com, Bart Bakker, Carl Arendt, Jack Trollope, Alex Lehmann, Jon Winder, Garth Groff, and Gerry Bullock.
63a. JULY 2007 - Special Mid-Month Issue
DOWNTOWNS and UPDATES - by Prof Klyzlr, Giles Barnabe, Herman Steyn, Jim Sacco, Rich Bohlman, Simon Dawson, Robb Thomas, Alexander Kaczmarek, Fabrice Fayolle, Versif, Chris O'Donoghue, and Brian Wilson.
63. JULY 2007
5 More HOT Micro Layout Ideas - with examples by Bart Bakker, Carl Arendt, Dave Carson, Jack Trollope, Steve Bennett, Gerry Bullock, Sam Tanner, Jeff Haigh, Carsten Weye Jensen, Jon Songøygard, and Brian Wilson.
62a. JUNE 2007 - Mid-Month Bonus Issue
The SAP Line - the Rest of the Story by Carl Arendt. The most-requested juicy details about Carl's new layout, left out of the Gazette article for space reasons.
62. JUNE 2007
SUNDRY SCALES - Inspiring layouts in all scales from Z to G by Carsten Weye Jensen, Paul Atkinson, Joern Pachl, Charles Hansen, Jan Van Mourik, David Mitchell, Henk Wust, Ed "ICE" Berg, Herbert Fackeldey, Peter-John Sanders, Dick Bell and Giles Barnabe.
61a. MAY 2007
PIONEER MINIMALISTS - U.K., by David Thomas — How minimal-space layouts developed, with examples by A. R. Walkley, J. A. Patmore, Cyril Freezer, W. Hardin Osbourne, Rev. P. H. Heath, C. J. Packham, Chris Krupa, Don Sibley, Julian Andrews, and Yuji Niwa.
61. MAY 2007
PIONEER MINIMALISTS - U.S., by Carl Arendt — How minimum-space layouts developed, with examples by Bill Livingston, Simpson M. Ritter, Bill Schopp, Linn Westcott, Dick Andrews, Chuck Yungkurth, John Allen, Carl Arendt, John Hubbard, Alex Lehmann, Benoit Evellin, Pablo Chanson and Fabien Hallier.
60a. APRIL 2007
PIZZA PARADE -- A flotilla of circular layouts from Jonathan Scott, Chris O'Donoghue, Jim Bisbee, Albert Winkel, Alan Cox, Martin Hogg, Henning Stelter, Kuo Chang Lu, Thomas Carpenter, Carl Arendt, Ian Holmes, Joe Lockhart, and Rodney Hills.
60. APRIL 2007
LIGHT IT RIGHT -- Exploring 2007 Hot Topic #7. Illuminating layouts from Carl Arendt, Chris Krupa, Andy Mcmahon and Sheila Perry, Prof Klyzlr, and Gilbert and Michel Gribi.
59a. MARCH 2007 - Bonus Issue
THEMES FOR TWO TURNOUTS -- Layouts by Jack Trollope, Bill Corser, Andrew Smith, Marco Roepers, Jordan Foster, Martin Hogg, Steve Grantham, Fabrice Fayolle, Kenneth Rickman, Laurent Hendschel, Andy Young, Maurizio Melis, and Alex Lehmann.
59. MARCH 2007
CIRCLES AND SCOUTS -- Featuring round-and-round layouts by John Henshaw, Giles Barnabe, 11-year-old Lars Knapp, and Dennis Book; and a Scouting benefit exposition of layouts from this website, including efforts by Bob Hughes, Jim Snee, Nick Palette, John M. Hughes, and Mike Bragg.
58. FEBRUARY 2007
MICRO POWER & LIGHT -- Hot Topic #7 (Light Fantastic) from Prof Klyzlr and Paul Smith; Traction Action from Carl Arendt (G), Nick Kibre (N), Richard Heisler (1:32), Martin Van Horn (On30), and Marc de Bruin (HO).
57a. JANUARY 2007 -- Bonus Extra
HELP WANTED: HOT Topics for 2007 -- Six areas for extra fun in small layouts. (1. Motion Notions) Bob Hughes, Alex Lehmann, Jan Van Mourik, Henk Wust; (2. Sound Around) Jim Wells, Charles Hansen; (3. Play On) Chris Gilbert, Bob Moroch; (4. Material Matters) Michael Mott, Bernard Caer, Carl Arendt; (5. Keen Scenes) Carl Arendt, Mark Holmstrup, Russ Haigh; (6. Con-Track-Tions) Brian Greiner, Jack Trollope, John Garaty, Casey Sterbenz, Alex Lehmann.
57. JANUARY 2007
YOU CAN NEVER HAVE TOO MANY BOOKSHELF LAYOUTS -- Inspiring ideas for shelf layouts from Kevin Payne, Tim Shred, Bob Hughes, Giles Barnabe, Steve Grantham, Matt Scrutton, Versif, Richard Scott, Alexander Lösch, Frank Luczak, and Brian Wilson.
56a. DECEMBER 2006 -- Special Edition
ODDS & ENDS -- A collection of great ideas for modeling, from John Peckham, Andy Basford, Versif, Keisuke Saka, Keith Henn, Kevin Boogard, Jack Trollope, Neil Rushby, Alex Lehmann, and Mike McLaughlin.
56. DECEMBER 2006
COMIN' ROUND THE MOUNTAIN...THE TOWN...THE TREE -- Continuous but small layouts by Gary Irwin, Eric Belshaw, Dennis Vaccaro, Richard Heisler, John Henshaw, Peter Laband, Tada Noriya, Hans Hammarsten, MJ Idzerda, Russ Haigh, Stumpy Stone, and John Hubbard.
55a. NOVEMBER 2006 -- Special issue
INSPIRATIONS --Layouts that can inspire our work in various ways, by Chris Nevard, Tenshodo, Daniel Schläfli, Brian Wilson, Alan Martin, Emrys Hopkins, Bernard Fabron, Jack Trollope, Eamon Seddon, David Bromage, Henk Wust, Derk Huisman, and Bart Bakker.
55. NOVEMBER 2006
PIZZAS À GOGO --Layouts by Ian Keeble, John Lucas, Ben Maggi, Yoji Tabuchi, James Dowling, Bob Hughes, Thomas Carpenter, and Tad Dowdy.
54a. OCTOBER 2006 -- Special issue
TRACTION SATISFACTION -- Small trolley and tram layouts by Guido Mandorf, Ivan Furlanis, Andrew Knights, Vincent Wesstein and Carl Arendt, Mike Mackay, Gary Cerrone and Martin Van Horn, Stumpy Stone, Jon Songøygard, Gary Foss, Bill Olsen, and Dick Bell.
54. OCTOBER 2006
APPEALING SHELF LAYOUTS -- Continuing with still more layouts by Jack Trollope, Alexander Lösch, Brian Rudko, Jeff Hartmann, Jeff Taylor, Simon Dawson, Ben Bucki, Ernst-Peter Everaardt, John Bruce, John Filius, Colin French, Bob Moroch, and Nigel Beeton.
53a. SEPTEMBER 2006 -- Bonus Issue
APPEALING SHELF LAYOUTS -- Continuing our cornucopia with layouts by Fabrice Fayolle, Hans Bauer, Jack Trollope, Steve Christopher, Neil Rushby, Alexander Kaczmarek, Charlie Bryant, John Sparrow, Martin Hogg, Brian Wilson, Hans Schuemie, Nicolas Kieffer, Dave Carson, Herbert Fackeldey, and Christian Danziger.
53. SEPTEMBER 2006
APPEALING SHELF LAYOUTS -- A cornucopia of layouts from Fabrice Fayolle, Bill Dixon, Martyn Mullender, Rick Marcroft, Giles Barnabe, Steve Ward, John Peckham, Olivier Jeanneret, Robert Mountenay, Martin Edwards, and Dave Thomson.
52a. AUGUST 2006 -- Bonus Issue
REVOLUTIONARY LAYOUTS -- Designs using gimmicks that revolve and rotate, with ideas and layouts from Carl Arendt, Roger Humbert, Carsten Weye Jensen and Ignacio O'Callaghan.
52. AUGUST 2006
SMALL LAYOUT SCHEMATICS. Carl Arendt's discussion of the basic track patterns behind small layouts that are satisfying to operate.
51. JULY 2006
STUFF - a Summer Miscellany. Layouts and ideas by Mike Mackay, Terry Bossick, Stephen Christopher, Gary Chapman, Bob Hughes, Peter Laband, Charles Malinowski, Sean Sunley, Jack Trollope, Giles Barnabe, Marc Miller, and Hiromi Masaki.
50. JUNE 2006
THE FIRST 50 ISSUES ARE THE TOUGHEST - NOT QUITE A BLOG by Carl Arendt. This is a nostalgic collection of self-indulgent musings on the first 50 Scrapbook issues. Feel free to skip.
49a. MAY 2006 -Bonus Scrapbook
RIBBON ROADS REDUX -- Long thin layouts from Chris O'Donoghue, Paul Gallon, Sam Hyde, Giles Barnabe, James McMillin, and Ivan Furlanis.
49. MAY 2006
PIZZA PIZZAZ -- Ingenious circular layouts from Dudley Hubbard, François Meunier, Bob Moroch, Glen and Brenda Anthony, Ian Bareham, Roger Humbert, Wolfgang Dudler, Joe Lockhart, James and Shamus McMillin, John Hubbard, Jim Burchell, Tony Phillips, Mark Fisher, Carsten Weye Jensen, Ryan Adams, Don Cooley, John Maughan, Rich Brungard, Dick Kuepper, Andrew Smith, and Tad Dowdy.
48a. APRIL 2006 -- Special Issue
EMRYS DOES YORK -- Photographs by Emrys Hopkins of small layouts at the 2006 York Model Railway Show, including efforts from Arthur Budd, Andrew McMahon and Sheila Perry, the Raven Group, and John Bruce.
48. APRIL 2006
UPDATES: NEW IDEAS FOR OLD BUSINESS -- Ideas, inspirations, and new layouts by Howard Murphy, Anthony Bilton, Alexander Lehmann, Jon Songøygard, Jim Jones, Jeff Hartmann, John Bruce, Nick Palette, Bob Hughes, Martin Hogg, Carl Arendt, D and S Cox, Emrys Hopkins, Herbert Fackeldey, Jack Trollope, and Fabrice Fayolle.
47. MARCH 2006
IDEAS FOR SHELF-SWTICHERS -- A variety of shelf-style layouts featuring shunting/switching operations, by Kelly Russell, Eric Belshaw, Jack Trollope, Giles Barnabe, Carsten Weye Jensen, Andrew Smith, Dániel Balázs, and Laurent Hendschel.
46. FEBRUARY 2006
LOOOONG, THIN LAYOUTS -- Five small layouts that give you the experience of actually making a journey by train, by Martin Hogg, Herbert Fackeldey, Stephane Truc, Bill Schopp/Carl Arendt, and Jonathan Scott.
45a. JANUARY 2006 -- Bonus issue
UNUSUAL & USEFUL Ideas for Small Layouts -- Thought-provoking items from Nelson Almeida, Carl Arendt, Ian Holmes, Marcelo Szkatulak, Jack Trollope, Alexander Lehmann, Roger Humbert, Vincent Wesstein, Brian Neely, Bruce Dombey, Fabrice Fayolle, and Gilbert Gribi.
45. JANUARY 2006
Railroad Puzzles -- Three classic "brain teasers" for you to test your switching skills! Plus updates about layouts by Fabrice Fayolle, Tim Stolle, and Jeff Hartmann.
44a. DECEMBER 2005 -- Special Issue
Around and Around -- Circular layouts by Christopher Creighton, Andrew Smith, Jim Royal, Rick Perry, Steve Holland, Shamus and James McMillin, and Graham Minshull.
44. DECEMBER 2005
Shelf Switchers With NO Runaround -- Innovative layouts by David Thomas, Will Ayerst, Bob Hughes, Alan Cox, Neil Rushby, Colin Peake, Peter Hoffman, Jack Trollope, Anthony Bilton and Giles Barnabe.
43a. NOVEMBER 2005 -- Special Issue
Mid-Month Special: VARIETY PAK -- Lotsa layouts by Andrew Knights, Giles Barnabe, Stuart Marshall, Peter Rye, Eamon Seddon, Diego De Bunder, Simon Cox, Andrew McMahon & Sheila Perry.
43. NOVEMBER 2005
PIZZAS TO GO -- Circular layouts from 8 countries and 15 modelers -- Steve Pettit, Herwig Gerstner, Hiromi Masaki, Robert "Dawg" Fales, Pete Strutz, Gert Scheuermann, Alexander Lehmann, Klaus Komischke, Jon Songøygard, Peter Mesheau, Peter Laband, Matthew Scrutton, Andrew Smith, Neil Rushby, and Ian Bareham.
42a. OCTOBER 2005 -- Bonus Issue
UPDATES! -- New ideas and directions from Gavin Sowry, Alexander Lehmann, Daniel Schläfli, Jon Songøygard and Chuck Perrucci.
42. OCTOBER 2005
TYMESAVERS! -- Variations on John Allen's classic layout by Michael Eckardt, Carl Brummer, Martyn Mullender, Stephen Christopher, Fabrice Fayolle, Eric Kirkland, Andrew Smith, Jack Trollope, and Ian Leadbeatter.
41. SEPTEMBER 2005
From Here To There - VISIBLY WORKING RAILROADS -- Lines that move from A to B and model both ends, by Bob Hughes, Martin Hogg, Carsten Weye Jensen, Graham Watling, and Marty Johnston.
40. AUGUST 2005
UPDATES! -- Renewals and new directions by Alexander Kaczmarek, Shortliner Jack Trollope, Jeff Hartmann, Michael Mott, Ian Bareham and Jon Songøygard.
39. JULY 2005
MISCELLANY -- Photos and layouts by Brian Wilson, Fabrice Fayolle, Tony Maude, Jeff Hartmann, Roy Hughen, Ed Jones, David McCanne, George Huckaby, Chris O'Donoghue, Pete Strutz, and Emrys Hopkins.
GUMSTUMPING! Fun with Switchbacks! -- Layouts modeled after Chuck Yungkurth's Gum Stump & Snowshoe switchback (zig-zag) layout, by Des Norman, Orange County Module Railroders, Alexander Kaczmarek, Alexander Lehmann, Ignacio O'Callaghan and Jim Sacco, PLUS Real Switchback Adventures at Cass, photos by Carl Arendt.
38. JUNE 2005
LAYOUTS IN CONTAINERS RETURN! -- "Contained" layouts by James McMillin, Carl Wagner, Bernard Junk, and Russ Haigh; plus some extra goodies and a portable G-scale switching pike by Carl Arendt; commentary by David Thomas
37a. MAY 2005 -- Special Issue
CIRCUHILARITY -- Fun with circular layouts by Ian Holmes, Chris Schmuck, Jim Jones and Steve Pettit, plus triple circuits by Jonathan Scott, Don Coker and Carl Arendt.
37. MAY 2005
PIZZA PIZZAZ -- Imaginative circular layouts by Christopher Creighton, Steve Jarman, Rob Pringle, Vincent Beitscher, Jim Foster, Jonathan Scott, Doug Kaniuk, Jon Songøygard and Mark Fielder.
36. APRIL 2005
3 MICROS + 3 ISLANDS -- Micro Layouts by Chris Krupa, Marcelo Szkatulak, and Hans van der Linden; Island Layouts by Helmut Heinert, Stumpy Stone, and Carl Arendt
35. MARCH 2005
SMALL LAYOUT VARIETY PACK -- Layouts by Chris O'Donoghue, Andrew Smith, Roger Jansson, Versif, Alexander Lehmann, Daniel Schläfli, Stuart Fairway, Colin French, Martin Hogg, and Stephane Truc.
34. FEBRUARY 2005
SMALL LAYOUTS IN CONTAINERS -- Unusual designs by: Bart Bakker (airline case), Jörg Orzschia (violin case), Bobber Gibbs (guitar case), Jim Favre (wine box), Andrew L. Smith (shoebox), Keith Addenbrooke (fruit box), Klaus Komischke (box file), Charles Hansen (attaché case), and Jonathan Scott (suitcase).
33a. JANUARY 2005 -- Special Edition
A PRIDE OF N-SCALE MICROS -- How seven modelers responded to the challenge of building an N-scale micro layout in two square feet!
33. JANUARY 2005
SURPRISING SHELF SWITCHERS -- Part 2: Small Scale Bookshelves. Shelf Switchers in On scale and smaller from Ian Holmes, John Downes, Ken Scott, Tony Maude, Jack Trollope, François Fontana, Alexander Lehmann, and Carl Arendt.
32. DECEMBER 2004
SURPRISING SHELF SWITCHERS -- Part 1: Large Scale Bookshelves. Shelf Switchers in O scale and larger from Alexander Kaczmarek, Michael Mott, Don Coker, Chris Peacock, Colin French, and the Strathclyde O Gauge Group.
31. NOVEMBER 2004
Our Annual PIZZA PANIC -- Circular display layouts by Hans Hammarsten, Yukinobu Tamura, Ronald Halma, Jim Wanlass, Jon Songøygard, Mr. X, Roger Jansson, and Keith Henn.
"Confessions of a Boomer: Everything You Always Wanted to Know about a Car Repair Shop" by 'Rip Traxx.'
30. OCTOBER 2004
Feline Frolics -- A layout for attack cats by Carl Arendt. Corner layouts by Mark Kendrick and Ignacio O'Callaghan. Fabrice Fayolle's finale of his Wild West module. A switchback from Spain by Ignacio O'Callaghan.
"Design Evolution of a Micro Layout" ... described in detail by Frédéric Ferrand.
29. SEPTEMBER 2004
Corner Layouts and More! 90-degree designs from Chris Gilbert, Ray Klatt, and Tim Stolle. Plus Bonus Layouts: a French wine carrier from Giles Barnabe ... Norwegian micros exhibited by Jon Songøygard ... a tiny version of Wantage by Symon Haynes.
28. AUGUST 2004
Shoebox Layouts Update! Designs from Martin Hogg, Keith Addenbrooke, Andrew Smith, and Chris O'Donoghue. Plus Bonus Layouts: Corner switching lines from Alexander Kaczmarek and Jeff Hartmann. Urban switching on a shelf by Ted Hawkins.
27. JULY 2004
Jon Songøygard's remarkable Valhalla Hog Express. A pair of Coors Brewery additions from Jack Trollope. Full G-scale in a nutshell by Bill Nunn. Jim Sacco's well-traveled switching layout.
26. JUNE 2004
Tips for Building Small Layouts -- Folding benchwork from Jack Trollope. Todd Armstrong's motorized sector plate. A reversible sector plate by Chris Gilbert. Traverser (Transfer Table) Tip from Ian Holmes. Carl Arendt's Poor Man's Traverser (PMT).
25. MAY 2004
Chris Nevard's English Industrial Waterfront. Update on Jeff Hartmann's Las Cajas Avenue. Heaven for sheep, by Andrew Smith. Update: Fabrice Fayolle's old-time Colorado narrow gauge. Update on Daniel Schläfli's Swiss treat. German swtichback line by Alexander Kaczmarek.
24. APRIL 2004
International Works in Progress: Fabrice Fayolle's Wild West show. Brian Greiner's version of Jaxcilli Industries. Two tiny portables from Brian Goodman. Martin Hogg's layout for his 3-year-old son. An unusually shaped dual-gauge effort from Brian Wilson. An exhibition shelf line by Ronald Halma.
23. MARCH 2004
Featuring pizza layouts by Mark Holmstrup, Marc Witten, Christopher Creighton, Roger S. Jansson, Heine Pedersen, Jon Songøygard, and Victor Smith.
22. FEBRUARY 2004
Steve Waterfield's Petroc Quarries exhibition layout. An On30 switching layout by Daniel Schläfli. Update on Chris O'Donoghue's Quadrant Works. A modern-day shelf switcher by Paul Boehlert. Victor Smith's Barracho Brewery in G gauge.
21. JANUARY 2004
Derek Pratt's incredible Titan Sandwell. A 1:1 micro found by Jörg Linke. An unusual Inglenook from Andrew Knights. A 6x8 inch OO9 working railway by Chris O'Donoghue.
20. DECEMBER 2003 -- Our Holiday Spectacle
John Hubbard's Fireplace layout. Jo Schlenker's Z scale layouts. Ken Jones's N scale railways in containers. An HO classic variation by Jeff Hartmann. A spectacular setting for OO9 Egger-Bahn trains by "Nomm D. Pleum." Palle Steffensen's Gn15 module idea.
19. NOVEMBER 2003
Bart Bakker's Retractable Car Ferry. Micro in a storage box by Brian Wilson. Sliding variable track arrangements by Alastair Inskip. John Hubbard improves a shoebox layout. Nf layout by Frédéric Gantier.
18. OCTOBER 2003
Double O Gauge Association micro challenge and Phil Parker's delightful demo. A model RR birthday surprise for Kelly Ann Feller. A Russian railroad windup toy rediscovered by Alexander Kells. Jeff Hartmann's 4x4 HO foldup layout.
17. SEPTEMBER 2003
A diorama for the office by Jeff Hartmann. Russ Haigh's top level for Cavorite Mine. An HOn30 pizza underway by John Hubbard. Ivan Furlanis extends Les Peupliers.
16. AUGUST 2003
The Chicago Loop in HO by Jim Kestner. Jon Songøygard's version of the Whitehead Brewery layout. Serendipity Switching by Jack Trollope. Seriously Small -- Z scale by Frédéric Gantier.
15. JULY 2003
Rafael Gil Fornés' amazing horsecar layout. A tiny Box Street by Jeff Hartmann. Progress on Bill Cooke's Hedgehog Hill. Mervyn Trigg's switching pike. Arizona Central Railroad from Martin Stierlan in Germany.
14. JUNE 2003
New layout by Peter Marriott. Unusual Pizza by Per Møller Nielsen. TymeSaver version by Michael Homscheidt.
13. MAY 2003
Update -- the stellar Knockout Line. Stumpy Stone's Jurassic Pizza. Update -- Transporting Lummerland. Maerenwynhirachnarllwyfanyma by Chris "C.J." Morgan.
12. APRIL 2003
A Decauville 1:1 Micro Layout! U.S. Industrial Railway in 1915.
11. MARCH 2003
Knockout Layout by Brian Wilson. Archive 1:32 layout. Tuppence Mining Co. by Carl Arendt.
10. FEBRUARY 2003
German On30 layout by Gerd Ziller. Grumblewick Coombe revisited, rural line by Graham and Caroline Watlling.
9. JANUARY 2003
Ian Bareham's Harrterm Yard. Carl Hille's Window Sill Line. Todd Gamble's TV topper in Z. NG track plan from Giles Barnabe.
8. DECEMBER 2002
Akihiro Morohoshi's Holiday Micro. Brian Bassington's Gypsum Works. Graham Watling's Grumblewick Coombe. Blast from the Past: Vollmer Brickworks.
7. NOVEMBER 2002
Lummerland: a German torte. Window Layout in England. Seriously tiny Japanese micro.
6. OCTOBER 2002
Steve Bennett's Gn15 Display Layout. So You Think Zn2 is small? New Clues in Ohio Micro Mystery.
Christmas Pizza Layouts. Jim Favre's Multi Layer Cake. Akihiro Morohoshi's Tiny N Streetcar. Jeff Hartmann's HOn3 Tram. Terry Allen's Spanish Flea. Jim Favre's minute Gn15 atoll. Steve Bennett's O16.5 showpiece.
4. AUGUST 2002
Classic Small Layouts. Nine all-time 'most imitated' layouts.
3. JULY 2002
Treasures from Junk -- A Classic Micro. Mario Bernkopf's Gn20 Layout. Jim Favre's Gn15 Layout. Carl Arendt's On30 Layout.
2. JUNE 2002
Midwest NG Meet Micro. Warther's Woodcarving Wonders. Twin Scratchbuilt Railcars. Ron Ham's Convoluted G Mini Layout.
1. MAY 2002
Christopher Creighton's Circular Pike. Carl's First Micro. Bliss Bignall's Giant Pizza. Full-Sized Mystery Micro in Ohio.
Issues dated prior to the current year are provided for archival purposes only. We cannot guarantee either their information or their links to be current.