PAGE 18 - OCTOBER 2003, ©2003
Carl Arendt
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This is a photo of an English micro
layout being built in a box file in OO scale (16.5mm gauge)! It's called Melbridge
Box Co. and is under construction by Phil Parker of the Double O Gauge Association.
The little line demonstrates the kinds of layouts that meet the challenge of building
a OO layout in a box file. That's the object of the competition sponsored by the
Association and chaired by Phil. More details are available at the Association's
Phil's work in progress is shown in some more photos below, mostly taken from his
web page.
It's not an entry in the challenge, but makes a wonderful demonstration layout. A
box file, by the way, measures roughly 10x14x3 inches. The competition is open to
worldwide entrants, who need not be present to win. Phil will take care of postal
entries--make contact with him through his web site to learn more.

The photo above is one of those shots
that is worth well over 1,000 words! The rules specify that buildings most fit within
the box when the lid is closed. This photo show Phil's solution -- removable roofs
and upper stories, all of which fit comfortably in the box when the lid is closed!

What does a model railroader give or
get for Christmas? Here's a delicious idea! This birthday cake was created for Kelly
Ann Feller on her third birthday by her mother, Amy Dawn Feller. Amy's
the daughter of Dick "Traincrazy" Chapple, a long-time model
railroader, who obviously raised her right. They all live in Hardin, Montana.
The layout measures 34x7 inches, and is built to Large Scale. The 0-6-0 loco is freelance,
by Amy. What a good idea for a model railroader's Christmas treat!

While cleaning out some cupboards,
Alexander Kells, who lives in England, found this delightful windup tin toy
which he had almost forgotten about. It's a Chinese copy of a Russian toy, and would
make a marvelous railroading gift. The toy measures 9.5x4.5x2.75 inches (24x11.5x7
cm) -- definitely a micro layout! Alexander even pointed out an online source of
these toys -- Hawkin's Bazaar.

Las Pulgas, a 4x4 foldup HO layout under
construction by Jeff Hartmann, from Long Beach, California, fulfills an often-expressed
need. The visible layout section is 2x4 feet and will be set in southern California
in the 1890's. The modeled part represents the end of a double track main line shared
by both Santa Fe and Southern Pacific trains.
The folding section on the back is also 2x4 feet, and folds down when not in use
(at right). It has no scenery and trackage includes the main lines and some
additional tracks that will serve as part of the yard and as staging tracks. It will
be possible using the various tracks to run three trains at once - each on its own
loop of track.
Jeff comments, "The station on the layout is named after a siding on the Santa
Fe (now the BNSF) that is just north of Oceanside. The siding is named 'Las Pulgas.'
I looked up the word in a Spanish - English dictionary and found that it means 'The
Fleas'! I thought that this was a bit funny so I used the name on the layout."
For more information on this delightful small layout -- and to follow construction
progress -- check Jeff's website.
Visit us often ... we'll frequently be adding pages to the Small Layout Scrapbook!
Your are welcome!