THE LEGEND: We've learnt that the old Vikings were great explorers and craftsmen.
Less known is the fact that they even explored steam railroading! The Edda tells
that in Valhalla, where the dead heroes went, they had this hog, Sæhrímnir,
who gave nourishment to the heroes there. Every day the hog was slain and the pork
boiled, but by each evening the hog was back on its feet and alive.
I imagined that the Vikings got bored with carrying the pork to the kitchen every
day, so they built a railway to do the labor. That's the story behind the Valhalla
Hog Express. It's a simple loop of track with no turnouts (lest I'm forced to
honor others than the Norsemen!).
THE PLAN: This plan started with me looking at the plan for the micro
Darjeeling-Himalayan Railway. I liked the layout but a couple of things bothered me. The
helix was intriguing, but the thought of such a long stretch of track hidden under
the scenery didn't suit me. And besides (although the Himalayas have an appeal) the
area is a bit far from what I like to model!
As with DHR, this layout is planned for OO9/HOn30. The main focal centre is the Gildeskål
(or Feast Hall), placed at the bottom of a nearby hill where the hog resides. When
pork supply runs dry the train is fired up and runs to the hilltop where the hog
is killed, and then the train returns to the Gildeskål with new supplies.
running the train is such a simple task, I'd propose using lots of sound effects
and some animation -- sounds of the pig, standing on the hilltop; a Viking feast
in the Gildeskål - and then silence, when all the pork is consumed. Then the
train chugs away through the Norwegian woods, with singing birds, bears, a moose
and some viking peasants passing by.
At the hilltop, a Viking Hog-slayer should pop up at the sounds of a screaming pig,
then disappear again while the hog is being turned to appear lying on the ground
(or perhaps simply disappear - it's destined for the train, anyway). Then the train
speeds down the steep ramp to the Gildeskål, with sounds of jolly Vikings!
(That downgrade is pretty hazardous and could have been used only by fearless people
- or complete fools! But of course, both these are good descriptions of the Vikings
in this area. Yet another possibility is that this railroad was the real reason why
the Vikings disappeared from history...)
I have no safe documentation on what kind of rolling stock the old Vikings used.
As you can see on the picture at the top of the page ("Viking Steam"),
both the motorized tram and the tracks could be unusual -- not exactly off-the-shelf
stuff. But as the whole setting is fictional, I guess any kind of steam equipment
could be appropriate. Märklin has actually made some equipment that could be of interest.
The Gildeskål should be a low, long building (sometimes they were half buried
in the ground and the roof covered with earth). In the neighborhood one could model
other, smaller Viking huts, mostly workshops and storage buildings. People and animals
usually lived together in large buildings like the Feast Hall during the winter.
realize that this is a layout for the "brave-hearted". A pure fictional
prototype; rolling stock should preferably be built from scratch, ditto concerning
buildings, and there are really no other train movements than the loop up and back
down again.
But on the other hand you get the opportunity to model Real Viking Lifestyle, to
add both sound effects and animation, and to build a layout that hopefully will trigger
a good couple of laughs!
[Editor's Note: For a glimpse of Jon's "real world" modeling, see
his website. It's in Norwegian, of course - Jon is from
Arendal, Norway.]

From "Shortliner Jack"
Trollope, up in the Highlands of Scotland, come a pair of suggestions to expand
Mike McLaughlin's amazing Keg of Coors layout using HO scale. Jack's first effort (above) adds
a fiddle yard traverser at the left of the original layout plan -- and includes a
turnout on the traverser to reach a hidden siding behind the brewery facade.
This arrangement eliminates the need for "hand-switching" offstage to make
up a two-car train for the brewery.

As an afterthought, Jack noted that
a two car train might not clear the turnout on the original drawing, so he suggested
(a) extend the traverser another six inches or so; or (b) try Version 1.1, which
includes a highly-unusual sector plate on the traverser to enable a two car
train to leave the hidden siding for the traverser and move directly to the brewery
with no additional shunting. Phew! Feeling brave?
Note that in both plans, the second track on the traverser is not functional ...
it's just there as a safety device to prevent stock from rolling into the traverser
pit! ("Belt and braces [suspenders]" Jack would say.

This portable switching layout has
traveled enough miles to reach across the U.S. nearly 10 times! It was built almost 10
years ago by Jim Sacco, who lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and is the
proprieter of City Classics building kits. Nearly all the structures on the layout
were built by Jim from his kits.
The HO layout is built in three sections, and measures 8'x2' (244x60 cm). It fits
(barely) into Jim's car for travelling to train shows around the country. The track
plan is basically a runaround siding with spurs and a branch line leading from it.
I think the multi-level scenery gives a nice urban"feel" to the design.
(Sharp eyed readers will notice that the photo actually shows only two of the three
sections, which can be used independently for space-limited situations,)
Jim's currently building a new exhibition layout -- with luck, it will be making
the rounds with him in the not-too-distant future. For more information see Jim's