PAGE 35 - MARCH 2005, ©2005
Carl Arendt
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Small layouts
come in many shapes, scales, and even sizes. Here's
a "Variety Pack" of interesting small layouts that have reached our
desk over the past few months. Enjoy!

Photo adapted
from The Railways of Purbeck (Oakwood Press)
Frequent contributor Chris
O'Donoghue, of Greenwich & District Narrow Gauge Railway Society in England,
acknowledges several inspirations for his design of Ramshorn Pier -- an elegant
little layout for 16x24 in.
"The inspiration for Ramshorn
Pier came from two sources," says Chris. "One is a wonderfully evocative
picture of the loading ramp on Goathorn Pier (at right) which reminds me of
my youthful days sailing in the harbour at Poole in Dorset. Then, in the August 2003
copy of Railway Modeller magazine, a layout by Neil Rusby called Shell
Island, sparked my imagination.
"The modelling is so restrained and subtle that he has really caught the splendid
isolation of the remote setting. As a result, Ramshorn Pier was conceived. I've borrowed
Neil's track plan as it easily serves the purpose I have in mind. Just two lengths
of track connected by a pair of facing turnouts and a simple traverser.
"A small IC loco pulling a short train of, say three or four, end-tipping skips
leaves the traverser and enters the layout through the back of a tumbledown transhipment
shed. It then proceeds on to the jetty where the loco uncouples, and runs back through
the shed to the traverser and returns so it can propel the wagons on to the short
"It then picks them up, one at a time, so they can discharge their loads of
ball clay into a waiting barge via the loading chute. (It should be fairly easy to
motorise the winch so the chute can be raised and lowered). A certain amount of juggling
will be required to access each of the skips which should provide some puzzlement
and entertainment. In addition, a van or open wagon could be left on the siding,
causing a little more head-scratching.
"I've purposely slewed the track diagonally across the board in order to leave
open space to enhance the impression of isolation. Lots of sand, rough grass and
scrubby bushes should be all that's needed in the way of scenics. The tide could
be modelled out, leaving lots of lovely slimy mud although I rather like Neil's turquoise
I've borrowed from Neil's layout, this time the curved backscene, which would just
need a coat of sky blue paint to enhance the openness. With a staged presentation:
proscenium arch, wings and nice bright lighting it would look good on display even
when not being operated."

Andrew L. Smith, from Chelmsford,
Essex in England, built this little 30x20 inch layout for the annual "Narrow
Minded" competition of the Chelmsford & District MRC. Inspired by a leaflet from the Musée
du Cidre from Vannes (Brittany), the layout is built to O scale (roughly 7mm to the
foot) and uses 16.5mm gauge. It's based on a cider farm.
As cider-making is a rural pastime, comments Andrew, "I hope it looks like it
is set in the country. As you can see the buildings are sound but are in need of
a lick of paint. All the orchards are 'Off Stage' and as may have been noticed this
cider farm uses trains!
"I had to get the trains to go round and round as I always do for these competitions,
because I tend to leave Matthew in charge and ... well it is a long day for him,
and I suppose you cannot blame him for getting bored. I have fitted a form of [removable]
fiddle yard on the side to make it look as if the trains leave the yard for the orchards
and 'The rest of the World'."
(Lower left photo by Emrys Hopkins, Official Photographer for this site.)
Roger Jansson, from Frövi, Sweden,
is building this 48.5x29 cm (19x11 in) micro layout in the unusual gauge of 12mm,
using Tillig HOm track materials. Although the layout is in O scale (1:45) -- the
loco shown is kitbashed from 1:43 lorry (truck) using a German BEMO 9mm motor chassis
with the wheels spaced wider! We'll look forward to seeing some photos of the finished
layout. Meantime you can check out Roger's work at his website. |

Versif, a pseudonymous contributor from
Kirkby in Ashfield, Nottinghamshire in England, has by his own admission "gone
overboard on track" in designing Gnotter Yard, a 16.5mm gauge switching nightmare.
To give him credit, however, he's actually building the beast (see construction
photo at left) and will operate it in Gn15 no less! He's adapted Emrys Hopkins'
design for Knotter Yard,
which I have adapted to Gn15.
Notice that Versif has added two sector tables to the design -- a 10-inch table on
the left to hold a loco and three Gn15 wagons (cars), and an 8-inch table on the
right that holds a loco and two wagons. This asymmetrical arrangement will further
add to the switching crew's headaches, already hopelessly confused by the puzzle
imagine the scene as a small works," says Versif, "akin to those I saw
when I lived in Sheffield... The building, outlined in green, projects beyond each
sector table to help hide their existence, and I've shown one view block intended
to assist minimising views into the actual works... Surface of the yard should probably
be cobbles, but concrete can also be used, especially if cobbles show through in
some areas."
The posed photo at the right shows rolling stock in an early stage of construction,
artfully scattered on the layout to illustrate size and siding capacities.

Alexander Lehmann, from Mannheim,
Germany, is a fast worker. Here is an update on recent developments at his TT scale
shoebox layout, first described in the January 2005 Scrapbook. Alex has added some delightful harbor scenery to the "bare
bones" layout we saw two months ago ... and most recently (at right) he's
begun building a ship for the harbor, dramatically improving the waterfront atmosphere
and "feel" of the railway. Isn't it amazing how much TT railroading you
can cram into the space of a shoebox?
We've previously
featured the work of Daniel Schläfli, from Switzerland, who's building
a U.S. style On30 pike called 47th Street Yard measuring 48 x 20 inches (120x50
cm). Daniel has begun to add scenery, blocking in the tall buildings that are so
characteristic of urban switching areas. This photo shows his progress. We'll show
more as things develop. |

Stuart Fairway is building Lansdowne
Sidings, a British Railway mainline layout depicting an industrial sidings sometime
in the 1980's or early 1990's. It's N scale and was started in August 2004. At right
is the most recent construction photo provided by Stu, which shows the usual changes
that occur between design and construction. You can follow Stu's further progress
on his blog.

Colin French, who is an inveterate
O scaler, once declared, "No O scale layout should be longer than five feet!"
This is a sentiment I can completely endorse, and Colin's Wolverton Works layout
is a wonderful example. It's been on the exhibition circuit for several years now,
but still looks and runs great. Here's the builder's description:
"This layout is not a scale model of any particular part of Wolverton Works
but a cameo of various parts the builder remembers of the Works having been born
and bred in the town. The layout is a minimum space shunting layout with the wagon
repair shops to the left and the Stratford Road over bridge making the scenic break
at the right hand end. The backscene represents further workshops and the stores,
which are served by a working wagon turntable and shunted by rope or chain and capstan
to create a bit more interest.

"The shunting is carried out by
putting wagon labels on a board at the back of the layout and shunting the wagons
in the same positions as the labels, which have been randomly picked out. Locomotives
in use include one of the Wolverton Works LNWR Special Tanks and various other tank
engines associated with the Works over the years.
"The period depicted is the LMS in 1935." (Photos by Emrys Hopkins,
Official Photographer of this site.)

Martin Hogg, from Mansfield,
England, tried out some new ideas to produce this tiny shelf layout, Middle Street,
that fits on his computer desk. Reports Martin: "I tried out a few new (for
me) techniques ... foamcore and balsa construction, a sector plate (works at about
70% success rate I reckon), and battery control.
"The size of the new layout
is 14 x 76 cm. (5.5 x 30 in). The plan is a mini-Inglenook, using five wagons on
three sidings, holding 2,3 and 2 wagons and a sector plate which holds the shunter
and two (small 4 wheel) wagons. Operation consists of shuffling cards representing
each wagon and shunting to place them all in the determined spots.

"Construction is very light and
cheap, using mostly foamcard and balsa. I’ve continued in the thrifty vein by using
existing spare bits of 00 track and one PECO electrofrog point to build a simple
little yard. I’ve also had a first attempt at building a sector plate and this seems
to work quite well. I used some 6mm MDF for this as I felt it needed the rigidity
and I didn’t know whether balsa or foamcard would stand up to regular movement in
the same way. It pivots on a simple bolt on a sheet of plastic card to aid smooth
"The sector plate and one point are controlled by rods of stiff wire and the
power provided by a battery pack with four AA batteries wired up to a DPDT switch
for directional control. (Another first for me)."
Notice the coincidental similarity between Martin's plan and the Wolverton Works
plan above -- this is a excellent track design for an operating minimum space layout.
For more information about Middle Street, see Martin's web site.

Stephane Truc, from Lyon, France,
is building this tiny shelf layout in HO. It represents the terminus of an imaginary
branch line in the Jura mountains (near the Swiss border), an area Stephane likes
to visit. The terminus measures 85x25 cm (33x10 in). At home, Stephane attaches a
small three-track traverser at the right end to act as a fiddle yard and to represent
the "rest of the world".
When he has more room to set up the layout, a 150 cm (59 in) extension (shown
at right, above) is connected by a bridge to the layout. The extension represents
one of the Jura mountains, which conceals a fiddle track (feeder yard) behind it.
You can just see the start of the mountain cliff at the right of the extension photo.
Much of the rolling stock is German and also frequently runs in France. Stephane
recently had the opportunity to ride a DMU or railcar (visible in model form at the
rear of the right-hand photo) between Morez and Champagnole in this same area --
a very nice ride! Note that because of the three-way lap switch, the terminus trackage
can be used as an Inglenook switching game if desired. Good use of a very small space!
Visit us often ... we'll add new pages
every month to the Small Layout
are welcome!