News Supplement - 15 April 2009, ©2007 Carl Arendt

Australian NG Convention Small-Layout Contest

The Australian Narrow Gauge Convention 2009, held last weekend (10-13 April) in Sydney, was highlighted by a small layout contest. Rules of the competition limited layout size to a footprint of 600x450mm (24x18in). Gauge and scale were at the discretion of the entrant.
Convention organizer and frequent contributor to this site Prof Klyzlr managed to find time to snap photos of the contest entrants. Fitting right into our mid-April Scrapbook page theme, most of the entries were pizza layouts—and very nice ones indeed!
Here are the contest entrants, including notes of the gold, silver and bronze medalists. (All photos by Prof Klyzlr.)

First Prize — Geoff Potter
Amper Sand (Sand Quarry)

Second Prize — Adrian Hoad
Pagham Pier

Third Prize — Michael Flacks
Muskrat Ramble
On30, double sided

Ms. Hoad
Pookchurch Wood
Unfortunately, gremlins prevented the Prof from shooting the layouts of John Garaty (who entered three!)... but our usual luck held up, and all three of John's entries have previously been pictured in these pages: Randim Stackum & Wreckem, Jaxcilliest Enterprises, and MiNiverser, which was a Distinguished Runner Up in our 2008 "World's Smallest Working Layout" competition.